Winter 2011 Anime Chart v3

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As you can see, each upcoming anime is divided into 4 categories. TV series and Continuing OVA’s are pretty self-explanatory. The reason I split up OVA’s and DVD specials was to differentiate between the new projects and the silly extra episodes packed into dvd releases of a series. I extended this rule to accommodate extra dvd episdoes released with a manga if the manga already had an anime adaptation and there wasn’t anything clearly different about this release (for example, the Yozakura Quartet or Kurenai OVA’s would have been listed as a regular OVA’s because they were meant to be following the manga closer than the original anime). The only one I was a bit tentative about was the Kara no Kyokai episode. However, that’s just a 20-30 min epilogue so putting it as a DVD special was my way of saying it’s not adding anything to the plot.

Since the OVA synopsis are meant to give you an idea what this project is actually meant to be, since many OVA’s are spin offs and pilot episodes and all sorts of strange stuff. Because the space is so small, and that OVA’s often producing some pretty strange stuff, the bluntness of some of the OVA descriptions can be a bit odd. For the record, every one of those descriptions is entirely true to the best of my knowledge (and the best of my knowledge is pretty darn knowledgeable), apart from Goulart Knights. I honestly haven’t a clue what that’s supposed to be.

There are other charts out there. Some of them are better designed than mine. So I thought I’d better explain the reason behind why I’m making these charts. When the original Chartfag first slowed down, all sorts of other charts showed up on the internet. Many of them were terrible, had incorrect information or were just plain trolls. The problem was there wasn’t a reliable chart maker anymore. So, instead of whining about it, I decided to make them myself, hoping that my 2 years of season preview making gave me a bit more credibility than some random sourceless chart you found on /a/. That said, some of the criticism did sting the pride a bit, so I am trying to improve these charts to meet anime fans online’s very high expectations.

Anyway, here’s the usual guff

  • All inform­a­tion regard­ing air­ing dates is taken from moon­phase. If you’ve heard dif­fer­ent inform­a­tion about upcom­ing anime else­where, by all means do inform me, but it’s prob­ably wrong.
  • The winter sea­son runs from 1 Decem­ber to 28 February.
  • No dates for TV, mainly because most of them haven’t been announced yet.
  • The dates lis­ted for OVA’s and Spe­cials is for when the first epis­ode is released. Don’t expect the whole thing to be released on that date. There is fre­quently long gaps between epis­ode releases for OVA’s
  • No movies. When a movie is released in Japan, the west won’t see fan­subs of it until the dvd/blu-day comes out. Your best bet for see­ing these movies before the dvd is released is at anime movie screen­ings, often held at conventions.
  • If you’re sub­scribed to my reg­u­lar feed, you’ll get the charts just as you would get any other post. How­ever if you want the latest charts and don’t want any­thing else from this blog, you can sub­scribe to this feed. If you’re not a feed reader user, then you can keep the Charts page book­marked which will be updated whenever there’s a new chart.
  • There will be a new chart on the 27th of every month. This is my new thing to promote the idea that I’m all reliable and stuff.
  • Next month will not only include the final version of the Winter Chart but also the first version of the Spring 2011 Chart. I know, I can hardly contain my excitement either.