The 12 Days of Anime call to arms

The one moment that will be on everyone’s list, if they have any sense.

I’m a sucker for tradition, doubly so if it involves Christmas, and triply so if it enables me to write about all my favourite anime. Quadruply so if it means I get to eat pizza, but we can’t have them all. Every Christmas, for the past 5 years, anime bloggers have taken to writing about 12 moments in anime from that year in the 12 days before Christmas. The original blogger who started this scheme has long since left us, but I want to keep up the tradition.

I cordially invite anime bloggers to join the 12 Days of Anime project.

The rules: Starting on 14th December, write about a moment of anime from this year each day until Christmas day. It doesn’t have to be from an anime that aired this year. It doesn’t even have to be something that happened in an anime. It could be how Aquarion EVOL inspired you to win a game of dodgeball because you ripped off all your clothes and this increased your ability to dodge everything thrown at you. So long as it happened to you this year, it’s legible. If you’re looking for examples for the kinds of posts to write, I’ve been doing this for the past 3 years. However you’re free to use whatever selection method you feel like. You also don’t need to sign up or announce you’re taking part. Just start writing on the 14th December.

Considering we have 3 different bloggers on this site who plan to take part, December might be a bit of a…hectic month for the Cart Driver, shall we say.

67 thoughts on “The 12 Days of Anime call to arms

  1. Blogging twelve days in a row, there might be even more posts than those twelve due to weekly episodic blogging
    Spending your christmas like that
    Yeah, no. I’m out.

  2. Hmm…Mabye I should also start anime blogging…

    You guys have all sorts if interesting events and competitions…

  3. I guess nobody is going to break tradition and cheat by writing it in advance, then schedule it to post daily?

    ORRR you can call it writing a draft, that happens to be the final version.

  4. I was considering doing something like this, though it will be difficult to do on the actual days before Christmas, due to exams and vacation and stuff.

    1. You could always just schedule them beforehand. The way I do it, all my posts are small (maybe three paragraphs at most) and take me maybe 10 minutes to write. Shouldn’t be too difficult to write maybe 2-3 a day in the run up to the holidays.

      1. Yeah, I’ll probably write a bunch of the posts ahead of time, so I’m not constantly rushing to get the next one done.

        Though I probably will anyway, because I love procrastination.

      2. lol, well, it’s not as if I’m putting a massive amount of thought into them. They’re basically pure reaction. The hardest part is narrowing things down to 12 moments in the first place!

  5. Yeah, was thinking about doing this as well. In fact, I already have a folder somewhere in which I’ve collected some random anime stuff that caught my attention throughout the year, with this 12 days of anime thing in mind.

    But thanks for reminding me!

  6. welp, i love christmas, so i will participate. Have got some awesome moments in mind so it shouldn’t be too difficult to write a bunch of posts. Thanks for reminding, it’s a great tradition.

  7. Considering I watch very little currently or recently airing anime (and enjoy even less of it), this would be tough for me personally, but I think we’d be able to pull off 12 posts at Ani-Gamers if I get the whole team involved. We’ve never taken part in this, but we might give it a try this year!

  8. I almost want too but once I start thinking about it I suddenly forget every anime I’ve ever watched.

    My number 1 anime moment of the year would probably be finishing logh or something though.

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