Severing Crime Edge episode 1 – Hair Salons: The destroyers of childhood dreams

Dansi Bunri - 01-15[2]

Reading the first chapter of each manga prior to the season beginning does ruin the surprise. It meant that going into Crime Edge I already knew it was not going to be aware of how stupid it was. What I’m writing here is essentially just an extended version of what I wrote in the season preview, just with more bafflement and snark.

The issue with Crime Edge is there are things in this show that I think are genuinely hilarious. The main character’s traumatic backstory centres around a specific moment in his life where his family betrayed his dreams and he grew up misunderstood. That moment was when they started to go to a….


[Anime-Koi] Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge - 01 [h264-720p][DC257A3D].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2013.04.04_18.06.26]


Which is hilariously brilliant. Shame the show itself doesn’t seem to realise this. There’s all these moments in the show that should be funny but the writers miss the joke. Like the fact people are descended from murderers and they have killing tools infused with a magical power. A power that allows them to…err, kill people. Hey, has anyone introduced these people to the concept of a gun? This might be more believable if we were in some fantasy land, but the main character goes to the same old generic anime highschool that every single anime character ever goes to. Then there’s the main character’s hair fetish, which again is nonsensical and I keep getting ready to laugh at it, but the show takes itself so dead seriously that I just feel awkward watching them.

Crime Edge brings up a lot of questions in my mind, such as why didn’t anybody tell the author how stupid this all was? Where has this person’s sense of humour gone? There’s some jokes, but they’re not about the things that are actually funny. They’re about highschool students doing highschool student things like getting embarrassed around each other and pulling silly faces. The ridiculous plot for Crime Edge is its only stand out feature, so why they’re choosing to ignore that and shove it into this standard anime fare is confusing. It’s not that I am incapable of holding my suspension of disbelief. I do watch anime after all. But for gods sake, the woman is threatening him with an oversized syringe that is supposedly a magical artefact of death. I can’t be the only one who things this is the dumbest friggen thing, right? Right?

13 thoughts on “Severing Crime Edge episode 1 – Hair Salons: The destroyers of childhood dreams

  1. I said this on my own blog, but they should have gotten Seiji Kishi to direct this rather than the Devil Survivor 2 anime (which I’m still hoping will be good). It was sooooo freaking dull and it got worse when they started abusing the shaky cam like mad.

    It’s the only thing on Wednesday, so I’ll continue with it for a while, but given how the episode ended, I can’t predict where the story is going to go from here. And not in a good way.

  2. So… I’m guessing I’m one of the few people who liked the first episode… alot. The art and animation in particular was very good. Especially regarding the hair. Also the two main characters have potential for good chemistry. And the music was nice too. The only problem I have with it is the way its telling the story (And by that I mean the exposition is bad), which can get in the way, but that’s the only real problem I had (But it is a big one). I have a feeling this will be a cross between Mirai Nikki (The murder game-esque thing) and Nazo no Kanojo X (The weird fetish thing). And considering I liked those two shows, consider me hooked.
    Also, I see that all the animators worked on Gurren Lagaan. No wonder it looked familiar.

    1. “Mirai Nikki (The murder game-esque thing) and Nazo no Kanojo” How does this have anything to do with Mirai Nikki at ALL?? I’m just wondering. Maybe the murder aspect itself, but there’s nothing really similar……at all. i havent seen Nazo, so i cant comment, but huh? lol

      Idk, i thought the animation was indeed good, but Gigantia and titan was a bit better. titan by far has the best animation, but obviously that’s the last thing we “look” at.

      The show, like i’ve said on a couple other blogs, when you think about it, has nothing particularly special except the idea. I was grateful for the parts I did laugh at and didn’t particularly find myself wishing more comedy to be thrown in, although in hindsight that’d be very nice if they could do so.

      I dont think this anime’s about trying to be funny…moreso than be different and take itself seriously. And that’s another debate completely…but I thought the episode was interesting regarding the idea & charm of the characters themselves — not necessarily the show.

      Idk, i thought the animation was indeed good, but Gigantia and titan was a bit better. titan by far has the best animation, but obviously that’s the last thing we “look” at.

      The show, like i’ve said on a couple other blogs, when you think about it, has nothing particularly special except the idea. I was grateful for the parts I did laugh at and didn’t particularly find myself wishing more comedy to be thrown in, although in hindsight that’d be very nice if they could do so.

      I dont think this anime’s about trying to be funny…moreso than be different and take itself seriously. And that’s another debate completely…but I thought the episode was interesting regarding the idea & charm of the characters themselves — not necessarily the show.

  3. This will probably be the first series that I follow that realizes that it isn’t one big joke, and I simply adore it for that.

  4. So I heard the music was good at least.

    …Takanashi Yasuharu. That’s why the PV had Suite Precure-esque music.

  5. Wait, it wasn’t being intentionally funny? Awww, I’d hoped it was playing it’s ridiculous and stupid premise incredibly straight (like GuP did) to be funny, ah, awkward….

  6. Just finished watching it, and I reckon it’s a decent show. Given that I’d read Scamp’s review beforehand, I pretty much laugh through the show. Although I’d read it a few months ago, it’s refreshing to be reminded how ridiculous it is.

    There’s that mismatch between the art style and the opera-ish OST. The absurd relationship between the protagonists [Seriously, love at first sight is an understatement. They’re practically at the level of relationship requiring 20+ episodes to achieve.] Hilarious villain(s) [The background friggin turned red when that crazy bitch threatened the MC with a syringe. Then her sis actually strike a pose right beside her when syringe girl mentioned they’ll battle the MC. It’s like a small-scale Guilty Crown antic.] Yada yada.

    The only blatant downside I notice is that we can still see their eye when they’re covered by the hair. That’s VERY awkward; especially the ‘Hair Queen’. If my memory doesn’t fail me, the plot will spiral down the ridiculous chart; so don’t expect any decent revelation that isn’t comedic.

    Overall, it’s a decent show as long as it doesn’t end in a cliffhanger/open ending like most of the adaptations of ongoing manga. I implore Scamp to continue covering this show; I yearned for your former rants.

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