February 2015 Roundup

Kiseijuu Sei no Kakuritsu - 20 - Large 32Winter anime season continues being good. Some of these anime have entertained we great writers at the cart driver dot com. Less of them have failed to entertain. We wrote about both. Because we are balanced reporters on Japanese cartoons so we are.

What’s Hot

Scamp: Maria the Virgin Witch

Junketsu-no-Maria-8-06Maria has been really hit its stride lately and been more direct with the primary conflicts in the show. What I’m enjoying about it is how many different interpretations you can have of the show. I quite like viewing it as criticism for what a young woman growing up in a religious society has to go through. The witches seem to represent, with their black leather clothing, a deliberate rebellious attitude against the prudish nature of what they’re told to do, but they’re branded as heretics. There’s also the part of virginity being seen as the ultimate sacrifice and goodwill, what with Maria being told she can’t experience pleasure if she has sex. The constant comparisons to the Holy Virgin herself are pretty blatant. It’s got so much to dig into…that is really hard to go into proper detail with in a single paragraph, so instead I’ll hold most of it off for now and just say that the incubus’s existential crisis caused by his lack of penis, forcing him to question his purpose in life if he lacks the tools for which he was created, is pretty funny.

Shinmaru: Kuroko’s Basketball

Kuroko no Basuke 3 - 08 - Large 17After season two of Kurobas, I thought the magic had worn off. It was a weak season for games; the seams of the series started to show. Rather than basketball, it became a game of superpowers. Whoever had the most ridiculous anime ability was the winner. That hasn’t changed this season. What has? Well, power against power has become much more interesting, and there are opponents worth giving a shit about. The fun has come back to Kurobas. The first game between Midorima’s team and Akashi’s team is over-the-top and ridiculous in the most fun way — Akashi’s power is the chuuniest damn thing in the series yet, and fun new twists are added to Midorima’s power. The current game, the long-awaited rematch between Kise’s team and Seirin, is turning out a winner, as well. The actual basketball still isn’t always great (the number of times basic tactics are presented as these MIND-BLOWING pieces of basketball is hilarious), but I’m all in again on superpowered nonsense shonen basketball.

Inushinde: Garo

garo-the-animation-1801It feels kind of unfair to throw Garo in here when there are quite a few other deserving shows that aren’t carryovers. Most of my issues with Maria have been ironed out, but Scamp managed to elaborate on why in a way that more or less mirrors my own thoughts. Death Parade continues to be good. Milky Holmes S2 is more or less unchanged. So I’m left with Garo, which is as good a consolation prize as any. It’s a damn good show that confidently treads familiar ground, organically examining both its heroes and villains to pick at their most engaging quirks, while happening to have them fight cool-looking horrors. Garo doesn’t demand a lot, while giving plenty in return, and sometimes a pleasantly no-nonsense show is all you need.

What’s not so Hot

Scamp: Death Parade

Death Parade - 08 - Large 02I feel mean picking on Death Parade as none of the anime I’m currently watching are actually that bad, Death Parade included. This happens to have been a good enough season that I haven’t stuck with anything that I was merely doing so out of hope it might get better. I like nearly everything about Death Parade, from the animation to character design to dialogue. Yet I leave every episode unsatisfied and putting my finger on why has been difficult. The actual story writing, episodic plots and overarching themes have been lacking. The format leads to these revelatory twists that, once you think about them, seem dumb. The plastic surgery one was a good example of something that was billed as shocking but felt anticlimactic, like why even base an episode around that twist. Plus it has an odd way of treating women, as though a woman lying is the ultimate sin. It wasn’t at all surprising when the latest twist was two girls getting fridged. I don’t know what the anime is trying to say with its story or its world about judging people, and the more it goes on, the more I start to wonder whether it actually doesn’t have anything to say and it’s just super pretentious.

Shinmaru: Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls

THE-iDOLM@STER-Cinderella-Girls-05-1324-650x366I’m trying to hold out hope. After the phenomenal first episode of the 2011 Idolmaster TV anime, it took me a few more episodes for me to warm up to the show and be won over by its charm. I’m still hoping that’s what is happening here. But the hope is fading fast. Part of the problem is much of the cast is far more gimmicky than the original Imas ladies. This wouldn’t be so bad if Cinderella Girls took after Imas and focused on each idol with a solid story that lets their natural appeal shine through. The main three — Mio, Rin, and Uzuki — are fine, but none of the others has shown much of anything beyond that initial gimmick you either like or you don’t. What’s more, Cinderella Girls just doesn’t feel as fun and lively as Imas, which had cool animators and directors approaching the stories in weird ways to make them more exciting. Only episode 7 — the super dramatic near-breakup of the Cinderella Girls group — gives off that vibe to me. I hope this series turns the corner soon. Imas shouldn’t be mediocre. 😦

Inushinde: Chrysanthemum Ursine Tropical Storm

Yuri Kuma Arashi - 08 - Large 19Yurikuma to me is like oil on water: I’m not much of a fan of yuri, bears, storms, or any combination of the three. I can get its appeal, but it just wasn’t made for me. Of course I don’t think the show is entirely blameless in this. It’s too much condensed Ikuhara in too small a space, and his approach of treating the characters somewhat like actors highlights the already glaring seams in their interactions. There’s an undeniable charm to the show’s aesthetic, but it feels like that aesthetic is being caked on to cover any weak points. While it’s definitely improved as it’s gone on, and is far from bad, Yurikuma has still done very little to engage me.

33 thoughts on “February 2015 Roundup

  1. Maria

    Death Parade
    Yuri Kuma
    not so hot

    Truly, these are dire times on The Cart Driver Dot Com.

    1. I actually agree with Scamp now on Maria. It wasn’t quite working for me at the beginning, but it’s kinda interesting now. And Kuroko rules, step off, buddy.

      1. If anyone speaks ill of Kuroko, Midorima will throw a basketball through their window all the way from fictional Japan.

    2. There is nothing wrong with this list.

      Maria has always been great and Yurikuma has always been a not-so-great show that Ikuhara devotees defend by saying “you just don’t get the symbolism, man.”

      And Death Parade is showing why it’s usually a bad idea to adapt a concept that worked well as a short story into a full TV series.

      1. YuriKuma’s there for people who are willing to put in the time to fully explore it; it (like all ikuhara) isn’t meant for the wider audience. That said, by the time the show is over i’m sure it’s mainstream appeal will be a lot larger because some of the main themes will be more directly explained and the show will have a greater sense of cohesiveness (like shin sekai yori). If you don’t gain pleasure from trying to understand a show’s themes etc. however then YuriKuma’s never going to appeal to you.

      2. The problem with Yurikuma isn’t the symbolism. All (maybe?) Cart Driver dot Com writer have watched at least one Ikuhara anime. It is pacing and other general stuffs that become its problem. Yurikuma is like 23+ episodes anime crammed into one cour.

        Come to think of it, Ikuhara never handled 1 cour anime, perhaps that is his problem with Yurikuma.

    1. I watch log horizon, but it’s not something I would recommend to others. Some interesting ideas but I consider the character writing weak.

  2. Well Maria and Kuroko are pretty attractive individuals, and Death Parade is about dead people, which are devoid of any heat. Yurikuma confounds me though; ursine and lesbians are the most erotic organism and gender orientation, respectively. Inushinde is probably gay and has a bear phobia.

  3. I was waiting to see Yurikuma in the hot section! It’s the one thing that’s keeping me in animé rather than spending my whole life playing the stupidly addictive Love Live phone game.

    1. Yurikuma is… yeah. Scamp likes it though, so it might be back in the Hottie section soon enough.

    2. I’m into Yuri Bear Storm. I like its running themes and symbolism a lot. But I also haven’t given it a higher score than 7 on MAL since it started for a reason. The surface story and characters just aren’t doing it for me.

  4. This roundup fails as the best in this season is not here:

    Cross Ange

    On serious note, I’ve been wondering myself why I couldn’t like Cinderalla girls compared to originals and thanks for the answer, the gimicky setup isn’t really clicking and they are mostly stereotypes you often see in any anime. I prefer WuG and love live than this

    1. I was pretty disappointed that Garo played the whole “village get killed to motivate main character” cliche completely straight, but otherwise it’s been pretty great, yeah. It’s one of the shows I most look forward to watching each week. Especially if I see the best character–Emma–in a next episode preview.

  5. GARO got so much better in th esecond season, and showed us some fine Character Development, and seeing Leon with the white coat is truly awesome

    1. I might be the only person who found it kinda disappointing that Leon ended up winning against his demons. I was really into the idea that he’s constantly fighting them in his mind, but then he won and got his suit back. It was kinda anti-climactic for me.

  6. It’s really weird to think that I wouldn’t be watching Maria if Scamp hadn’t recommended it in The Cart Driver’s world famous anime previews. I hope he never stops blogging.

    1. That’s great to hear! It still seems like so many people aren’t watching it. Plus it’s even been getting better lately because I was a touch worried its earliest episodes weren’t as strong.

  7. Kuroko da GOAT. I’ve come to love that show now.

    “Plus it has an odd way of treating women, as though a woman lying is the ultimate sin”

    U wot m8?

  8. “t’s too much condensed Ikuhara in too small a space” Yeah this is my problem to, loved Penguindrum and liked Utena but this needs something to anchor it back into reality.

  9. The fuck was that about women lying?

    Why not put Rolling Girls, that’s not a very good anime. Bland main characters that can barely be distinguished from each other. Main characters that barely contribute anything to the plot. Trying too fucking hard to be wacky and creative. The animation’s also wonky as hell.

    1. Bullshit! Rolling Girls is good. How could you not like a character who talks entirely through motorbike revving noises?

      1. I am generally with Scamp on this one and do enjoy Rolling Girls for what it is. However…

        “main characters that can barely be distinguished from each other”

        This. In the last episode, when they all dressed up as Maikos, I completely lost track of who the fuck was who. The hair are literally the only thing telling them apart.

      2. They’re actually a special case. The mcs are actually the side characters in their world, afterall everything favors The Best and the MCs are The Rest. It’s not about them but those they meet

  10. Us Toku fans (and also those in the know) expected excellency from GARO the moment Yasuko Kobayashi was announced as head writer. She’s an excellent character writer with mastery of both comedy and drama with an impressive track record.

  11. Sorry to ask this here but could Scamps say when he thinks he might complete and post the 2015 Spring Season Preview? I’m really interested in reading it.

  12. Cinderella just isn’t as good as Imas so far. The whole deal with Mio wanting to quit was awkwardly done compared with Chihaya and Haruka’s arcs.
    The main cast ticks me off too, they took most of the annoying genki girls and left Mizuki and Kaede with small cameos. The cat girl and the skyscraper especially annoy me. You’re dead right about gimmicky characters. Most Cinderella girls seem hollow with just one trait to distinguish them from the others.

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