Dusk Maiden of Amnesia episode 1

This will be a very short post, because I don’t want to spoil the events of the first episode. It uses a neat narrative gimmick that works much better if you know absolutely nothing going into it. It’s clever and funny, but it’s also just a gimmick, so it has to rely more on the strength of the actual content for later episodes. I can’t say I have a huge amount of faith in that occuring, particularly when the main character is yet another Yuji Everylead. But for what it was, that first episode was fun.

23 thoughts on “Dusk Maiden of Amnesia episode 1

  1. Wasn’t going to bother with this show, but I guess I will now.
    Why does the season that overlaps with exams have to have so many good shows? Noitamina hasn’t even started yet…

  2. Among the three sudden girlfriend mangas I’m reading (This one, Girlfriend X and Sankarea) this one has the most entertaining first episode, since they started it out far in the middle lol. Well let’s see how it fares

      1. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
        and Franken Fran make up the Undead Three in manga.

      2. Interesting. Didn’t really find Sankarea really riveting or interesting last time I read it. Devastated and depressed when Franken Fran ended. (WHY?!) Now all I need to do is watch/read Tasogare then.

  3. It was awesome. The first ten minutes was awesome. it got a bit dull towards the end but I challenge anyone to watch the first episode and then decide to to watch any more with that opening.

  4. I just watched the episode – not sure what trick you are talking about. I saw laziness in repeating the same damn scenes with a character pasted in though.

      1. It wasn’t interesting to fast-forward the 1/3 of the episode for me. Either of the two parts could work really well.

      2. Either of the two parts could work really well
        The first part can’t work on its own, and for the second to work it would have had to be prefixed by some retarded exposition about Yuuko being invisible to most people before it would make any sense narratively.

        Instead they prefixed it by showing us the world through the eyes of Okonogi, which is a far more interesting and novel way to do it.

      1. Scamp,
        I agree on this one.
        It is a gimmick and it can’t save the series on its own.
        But it is very very well used gimmick.
        If the damn characters weren’t so annoying this might have even become best first ep. of the season.
        I enjoyed this episode quite a bit , but the rest of the series will probably get annoying.

        P.S.:It be a nice twist if for the rest of the series she remains the only character who can’t see the ghost.

      2. I too liked to see the scene from both perspectives, but I think it still took too long and wasted its time in many places.

        The whole point of doing the opening scene over was to see things from Yuuko’s perspective, yet we were still given re-used cuts of what Momoe was thinking and doing. Almost nothing was cut down or abbreviated even when Yuuko had no part in it, making for long gaps where I was just sitting there thinking “Yeah, I know. I just saw this. Get back to the things I didn’t see the first time and cut out the rest”.

        Likewise, I didn’t need to see the entire scene leading up to the elevator twice. Yuuko’s being drawn into the background there added nothing we didn’t already figured out the first time. A simple cut to His Royal Blandness being thrown in would have sufficed. Speaking of which…

        It’s a horrible waste of potential as usual. Think of the possibilities we’re missing for no good reason:

        A fanatical realist/scientist type encounters a ghost girl and insists she can be explained. A paranoid basket case is convinced she’s just a figment of his schizophrenia. A somber nihilist convinced that there is nothing after death has his preconceptions challenged by her existence.

        And yet, once again, we’re Bland VanderBoring II.

      3. I don’t think it would have had the same effect if they didn’t shoot every single scene the exact same way. It needed to be like that to work

  5. Hmm a ghost story. I do enjoy anime that involve dead people, so far it seems good. The repeat part was slightly cool yet slightly irritating, after that was pretty neat. I will hang on to this one.

  6. The first half bored me to tears, but then I saw that neat little twist and was a little more engaged for a few minutes… and then it got boring again. If the show can pull tricks like that off on a regular basis, or go for the path of least resistance by actually building a quality plot with good characters, then I could see myself enjoying this. Otherwise I don’t have very high hopes.

  7. I thought it was interesting & funny. Seeing the girl freak out at the thought her mind was being read & being completely oblvious to the fact there was a ghost there. Then for them to rewind & pretty much show everything in a different perspective was a nice touch. Alot of watchable shows this season, but im still waiting for appalon.

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