Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon episode 1 – ANAL BLEEDING

[HorribleSubs] Cross Ange - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_16.39_[2014.10.05_18.25.06]There is a brand of stories within porn games that I’m going to call princess humiliation porn. In it we have our perfect beautiful princess and her rich perfect family. They’re all a bunch of self-righteous high class racists. Everyone loves them like they’re Tatsuya from Mahouka, raining down praise on their every word. People fawn in the streets over how wonderful they are. The princess and her family are honourable and gracious in their adoration, but also clear that they are the clean ones versus the plebs on the world. Then some snooty devil prince comes in with evil intentions to show her who’s boss. The guy is clearly evil but that bitch had it coming and he swoops in and overthrows the princess, stripping her of all her power and dehumanising her in as graphic and clear a manner as possible.

This is Cross Ange, except it’s not a hentai. Honestly I don’t know why they didn’t just make it a hentai.

[HorribleSubs] Cross Ange - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_06.57_[2014.10.05_18.24.36]At its core I’m kinda into the story Cross Ange is telling. A snooty member of the upper class is stripped of her power and forced to face her prejudices and fight back to the top again. It’s a generally solid story structure since it’s a good way to force proper character development while teaching us valuable lessons about how detached the upper class are. It’s a bit of a middle class power fantasy where they can’t be the underdogs anymore but don’t want to see the actual underdogs rise up so instead you take one of the ruling class and make them lead the oppressed. It’s the white dude leads native Americans to victory story. But hey, it can be an effective story.

Cross Ange’s implementation is clunky certainly, but endearing in a dumb sort of way. Having a crowd of people hiss over an evil baby was pretty funny, as was the incredibly evil prince who swash-buckled in to take our princess down. The creators of Cross Ange probably think ‘nuance’ is a French starter dish. However that’s only if you look at the story as being something about taking down the ruling class. Once you look at Cross Ange as being princess humiliation porn, a lot more of the pieces fit into place. Making her be shitty to that baby removes the audience’s feeling of guilt for her subsequent fall from grace thereby making us feel like she deserved what comes to her. At least that’s how the logic works.

[HorribleSubs] Cross Ange - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_21.05_[2014.10.05_18.23.50]So yes, Cross Ange is princess humiliation porn. And don’t even try to pretend it’s not. The abundance of tits and ass and underwear and all sorts gives that away. Also anal rape. Don’t pull the “oh she was just inserting the command module that allows her to herpy derpy doo” because they made the absolutely fucking clear what the imagery in that scene was supposed to be. So if your idea of a good time is watching women be put in their place anally, then Cross Ange may be for you. I personally prefer my women to be having a good time when having their command modules inserted so I don’t think I’ll be watching much more.

12 thoughts on “Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon episode 1 – ANAL BLEEDING

  1. So that’s it for Cross Ange, huh. I was anticipating this as a possible enjoyable trainwreck but looks like I was off for the first part. One show less for this season.

  2. I’ll continue keeping an eye on this show for now, but I do feel that this post is a rather accurate representation of what seems to be the thought process behind the creation of this episode. I want to like the show though, because I like the concepts surrounding Norma, but I could do without the anal molestation.

  3. Cross Ange was great for its unintentional comedy. Exploding clothes? Check. Babies in cages? Si. Crazy faces? Yup. The part with the brother wanting to “get busy” with his sister? It’s like something out of Gladiator. Oh, and the whole “physical” scene? This anime is off the charts! But hey, speeder bike lacrosse is cool and it reminds me of Quidditch. Having said that, the Norma aspect and the seeing her rise back up and take revenge might work.

    Anyway, what are you guys going to cover for this Fall season? Mushishi? G-reco? Psycho-Pass 2?

  4. There was a time in this episode where I was hoping for a Code Geass. Then eeeeeek! I’ve never been so complacent with dropping a show despite a mild curiosity that things will get better.

  5. I just hope this show results in a spin-off magic hoverbike lacrosse BURNING SPIRIT shounen sports anime. Then all will be forgiven. Wait, did I say forgiven? I meant forgotten. I WANT TO FORGET.

    1. Dunno, everyone is like “this is Gundam Seed 2.0” but whenever I see those screenshots… isn’t that, simply EVERY SUNRISE MECHA ANIME EVER? Run-of-the-mill character designs, run-of-the-mill mecha designs, very serious military hardware displays, shots of naked people IN SPACE and so on? Seems pretty standard fare to me.

      Though the anal rape was definite novelty. Yep.

  6. So basically yet aother anime for raging misogynists.
    “It’s ok she is upper class and probably deserves it”? No fuck off.

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