Summer 1988 Anime Season Preview

Oh Japan. You and your crazy, perverted and awesome cartoons. Where would we be without them. Where would we be without you making even more of them. Which is what they’re doing. And here they are, the new Japanimation coming up in the summer of 1988! Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody Type: OVA Air Date:…… Continue reading Summer 1988 Anime Season Preview

Fall 1971 Anime Season Preview

All these animation fans talking about Disney and Looney Tunes, shut up for a second and let me tell you where the true future of animation lies. It’s Japan where you have to start casting your eyes towards. Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Princess Knight. All of these were made in Japan. I’ve decided a good…… Continue reading Fall 1971 Anime Season Preview

Winter 2002 Anime Season Preview

With fansubs being released digitally the new way to watch anime, now more than ever we can watch what the Japanese are also watching within the same week it airs. No more do we have to wait for years before the western companies license the thing and no longer do we have to rely on…… Continue reading Winter 2002 Anime Season Preview

Winter 1993 Anime Season Preview

I know it will take forever for even fansubbed tapes to get over here, let alone official releases, but there’s such a hoarde of anime coming out over the coming Winter season that I thought a preview would be a great way to garner some hype and anticipation. Anyway, enough of an introduction, time to…… Continue reading Winter 1993 Anime Season Preview

Spring 1984 Anime Season Preview

1984 so far isn’t turning out like the book 1984. Which I suppose is always something you can look to if you want to cheer yourself up. If that fails, or you haven’t read the book, you can always look at the latest anime coming out of Japan to see if there’s anything worthwhile on…… Continue reading Spring 1984 Anime Season Preview

Fall 1978 Anime Season Preview

It seems a bit strange to refer to anime as coming out in seasons, especially since most anime run from anywhere betweenbetween 30 episodes and 130 episodes. The only way anime could be referred to as coming out in seasons is if most of them lasted for only 3 months. That’s a stupid notion though.…… Continue reading Fall 1978 Anime Season Preview

Fall 1995 Anime Season Preview

I know it will take forever for even fansubbed tapes to get over here, let alone official releases, but there’s such a hoarde of anime coming out over the coming Autumn/Fall season that I thought a preview would be a great way to garner some hype and anticipation. Anyway, enough of an introduction, time to…… Continue reading Fall 1995 Anime Season Preview