Spring 2011 Anime Chart v4 for real this time

OK, enough joking about. Here’s the proper chart. I’m done with making charts. Cowboybeebipityboppybip makes better charts than me and you don’t need two sources of information. Plus making charts is an awful lot of tedious work, finding out what the hell Hamtaro is even about anyway. I’ll keep up the Charts page and paste…… Continue reading Spring 2011 Anime Chart v4 for real this time

Ridiculously Early Winter 2011 Chart

Edit: This chart has since been updated. Go here for the latest charts. The reason I was going to start making these charts was because Chartfag was slowing down and there wasn’t another trustworthy creator of the charts. However Chartfag finally did bring out one of his amazing charts for the Fall Season (I feel…… Continue reading Ridiculously Early Winter 2011 Chart