Sorry, but when I reach the end of first impression posts, my brain starts to melt out of my ears as I struggle to come up with something new to say. Especially when it comes to something as utterly banal as BREAD: THE ANIMATION.

The story in BREAD: THE ANIMATION is about this guy called Rick. Everybody loves Rick because he has the best goddam BREAD in town. I’m not quite sure what it is he puts in his BREAD to make everyone so thrilled by it. Since everybody seems to be enraptured by the smell of them, so much so they can smell the bread from miles away, I’m going to assume the secret ingredient is petrol. That would also explain why the mental capacities of all the citizens in the town are damaged. The three girls who help him with that jaw dropping, drool inducing BREAD do not have the brain capacity between the three of them to outwit a hedgehog. They seem to only ever think about BREAD as well as how wonderful Rick is, mainly because he is the one with that delicious BREAD.

Not that the entire episode is of the main character and his three dimwitted lady friends carting his amazing BREAD around the town. Oh wait, yes it is! That’s the entire fucking episode. OK, so at one point they go into the forest, but they’re still delivering BREAD to everyone. They revitalise a wounded Precure plushy with some of Rick’s revitalising BREAD. They get really angry when an elf insults Rick’s awe-inspiring BREAD. Those girls got really pissy at that. They have been sampling large portions of Rick’s BREAD all their lives, so they know its glories more than any stupid elf. Also there was some other wolf girl or something, who also wanted some of Rick’s juicy BREAD, saying it’s nowhere near as good as the BREAD from the other person in town.

The only way I got through the anime without gnawing at my own arm was replacing the word BREAD with PENIS. I advise you to go back and re-read this post with that in mind.

37 thoughts on “BREAD: THE ANIMATION episode 1

  1. I did the replacement before reading the tip. Does that technique work while actually watching the show?

  2. You just need to export subs from a file and replace the word “bread” with the word “penis”… well, maybe I’ll try this myself ^^;

  3. I think someone was watching south park or atleast heard it in the background when typing up this one.

  4. Haha absoultely brilliant i was wondering what was up with the caps lock. But seriouslu who the fuck thought this would be a great idea for an anime ?

  5. Shiawase no Pan = Panties of Happiness (Or bread for pan but it still doesn’t make sense)

    I assume have you read Detective’s review in MAL about this, everyone’s talking about it Animetake, too much hatred for this anime LOL

    It makes me wonder if the bread is actually a metaphor

  6. Nah, man. I ain’t a BREAD guy. I’m definitely a RICE guy.

    Two huge mounds of RICE. Mouth-watering RICE. Hell, RICE with BREAD.

    This metaphor is going to hell faster than all the PIE references in professional wrestling.

    1. Yeah man I feel you. I love to have my BREAD stuck between two Huge mounds of RICE, just so good.

      1. You guys are weird.

        Although I suppose I’m the guy who wrote an entire post about BREAD….

  7. The only way I got through the anime without gnaw­ing at my own >arm was repla­cing the word BREAD with PENIS.

    I already see the upcoming editorial, something like “Mental tricks to watching modern anime”

  8. That’s not Yakitate! Japan.

    But yeah, MC-tan gets all the bitches with his penis bread, sounds absolutely riveting, show of the year.

    by the way, i didn’t think it would be possible for logh to crush my soul anymore than it already has, but then the 93-98 stretch happened.

    1. Honestly, I thought LOGH was very like Death Note in that it lost most of its steam after THAT specific episode. Thankfully LOGH, like Death Note, pick up again with a very strong final episode

      1. Hmm, for me, after episode 55 it took roughly to episodes for me to get back into it, so basically, around 65 I started enjoying it again and I think I watched like 12 episodes that day.

        I’m stalled at episode 95 and I’m current attempting to do anything, anything to avoid watching more. I don’t want it to end ;-;

        By the way, did you watch any of the movies or side ovas?

    they could of made bread into a brilliant premise
    I know it
    for a fact
    but this comes along
    and it will be HATED UNIVERSALLY
    and now the subject of bread for an anime
    and never used again

  10. I kinda feel sorry for the main character. I mean, it feels like he has no chance/place/opportunity to talk because those annoying girls are there talking about his BREAD the entire fucking time.
    It’s like they speak for him. Like a mother and her spoiler child. It would be good if I could them apart for something other than their character designs too. They look like they all came from the same archetype.

  11. Best part about bread the animation? Replacing bread with crack or other drug related names makes this series better so basically those girls and the town are addicted to Rick’s drugs…

    ED Song is so creepy those girls never ever blink they just sit and stare at you.

    Voice cast is wonderful, but I don’t think that can save this series >.<

  12. The stupidity of this show is just so hilarious. At this point, it’s more of a comedy than a Fantasy show, let alone Action show. Not sure how this is an Action show unless we’re referring to all the action that his BREAD is getting.

  13. When I actually read the article, not skim through it… it’s hilarious. The only time I want to think about bread is when I go to a bakery, otherwise no.

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