12 Days of Anime project call to arms: Christmas 2014

even more pissed kageyama

Every Christmas for the past….7(?) years, anime bloggers come together and write a series of posts leading up to Christmas day. 12 days of writing about moments in anime over the past year that impressed you. Or left an impact on you. Or was shockingly awful. Anything that was memorable in some way or another that you deemed worth recalling at the end of the year. I wasn’t the first person to do this call to arms, nor will I be the last. But for the sake of keeping with tradition, here we go:

I cordially invite anime bloggers to join the 12 Days of Anime project.

The rules: Starting on 14th December, write about a moment of anime from this year each day until Christmas day. It doesn’t have to be from an anime that aired this year. It doesn’t even have to be something that happened in an anime. It could be how you went to a cow appreciation fair because you watched Silver Spoon. So long as it happened to you this year, it’s eligible. If you’re looking for examples for the kinds of posts to write, I’ve been doing this for the past 5 years. However you’re free to use whatever selection method you feel like. You also don’t need to sign up or announce you’re taking part. Just start writing on the 14th December. If you’re not used to that strict a writing schedule, I suggest you start writing them now and schedule them to post in the future.

33 thoughts on “12 Days of Anime project call to arms: Christmas 2014

  1. I always wanted to do this, but it will be weird as I write only in Polish and the few Polish animu bloggers probably won’t be interested. But now is the time! I’m gonna do it!

  2. Heh, it’s that time of the year again.

    I remember posting here last year that I’ll write something like this but that didn’t happen, and I know that it will not happen this time either, so I’ll just read what the three of you will post 😀

  3. Planning sounds wise. My blog is approaching its 1st birthday (!!!) and my first posts were for last year’s 12 Days of Anime. I might be changing up the formatting and doing a 12-Days-of-Awards kind of thing this year…we’ll see.

  4. I´ve been wanting to do this for like three years but never managed to muster the commitment. Hats off for all those of you who do.

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