12 Days of Anime call to arms

shimonetaEvery year for the past….8? I think it’s 8 years, anime bloggers have been writing about 12 moments in anime that left an impact on them each day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. It could be a dramatic scene, a hilarious moment, an extended realisation about yourself, or something completely horrible. Just so long as it was memorable for you then its eligible. I wasn’t the person who started this, nor will I be the last person to keep this tradition going, but for the sake of tradition I will make this call to arms again.

I cordially invite anime bloggers to join the 12 Days of Anime project.

The rules: Starting on 14th December, write about a moment of anime from this year each day until Christmas day. It doesn’t have to be from an anime that aired this year. It doesn’t even have to be something that happened in an anime. It could be how you went and voted in a referendum about internet censorship because you were inspired by Shimoneta. So long as it happened to you this year, it’s eligible. If you’re looking for examples for the kinds of posts to write, I’ve been doing this for the past 6 years and all 3 of us wrote about stuff for last year. However you’re free to use whatever selection method you feel like. You also don’t need to sign up or announce you’re taking part. Just start writing on the 14th December. If you’re not used to that strict a writing schedule, I suggest you start writing them now and schedule them to post in the future.

(As for The Cart Driver, I’ll be joining in with 12 Days at least. Plus there’s a season preview in the works. The site has been a little quiet lately and there’ll be updates on that soon enough)

42 thoughts on “12 Days of Anime call to arms

  1. I’m in. ^ ^ Also, I’ll second the “writing them now and scheduling them later.” Last year I tried to do this without scheduling and only completed three posts.

  2. Think I might skip this one. The only times in which I’ve updated regularly only happened because of this event. I don’t want to be a holiday blogger!

  3. That’s a good reason to start blogging again after about two months of silence… How the hell are people able to blog so regularly?!

    I’ve never done this, but when you tweeted about it, I started having ideas, so I might be finally able to do it. One of these ideas is horribly non-PC, but I don’t care since I write in Polish and all my friends are bad people as well, just not as bad as me 🙂

    Hey Scamp, it would be nice if you got back to weekly roundups from MAL or started tweeting the entries, because their layout is SHIT, and many of their articles garbage (you know, those lists of quotes from Nardo that I hope are ironic), so it’s hard to find good content there. I get it that you’re now a serious, married man that writes for moneys, but I would still like to read that, even as you’re just another one of them Monogatarifags.

    1. We will see. Things got a little busy in my real life and the MAL articles changed focus so I don’t really know how to structure this stuff. I’ll figure something out by the time next year comes at least.

  4. Pingback: Blog@Jhiday.net
  5. Just about done scheduling all my posts out to Christmas. This project gave me the motivation to dust off the blog since leaving it to rot this summer. Really great idea to give you a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the year after reviewing all the New Years resolutions you didn’t pull off.

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